19 August 2016

Chocolate & Raspberry Tartlets

It has been such a warm and relatively sunny summer in Dublin this year... So sunny that we were too lazy to cook ! Sorry about that, but we're still going to enjoy of bit more time off since we're visiting family in France soon. Hopefully, we'll be back with lots of delicious family recipes !

Today we're doing a set of 4 Chocolate & Raspberry mini tartlets. Best enjoyed cold, this is another summer time bakery classic. The rich chocolate filling can go with anything on top : strawberries, cherries, bananas, etc... but we settled on raspberries. Feel free to swap the milk chocolate for dark chocolate (in this case, add 50g of sugar instead of 10g).

As usual, we're making the shortcrust from scratch but you can use a pre-made shortcrust, just don't forget to blind bake them too. The shortcrust is only baked once for this recipe so ensure it is fully baked before filling the tartlets. We're also giving the dimension of our tartlet tins below, but you'll probably end up with shortcrust & filling leftover, so don't worry too much if yours are deeper or bit bigger.

Oh and also, this time we made a printable version. We don't have any printer home, but we hope it can come in handy for some of you ;-) Link to printable version

50 minutes
+ 1h resting time

40 minutes

+ until cold

4 tartlets